@DATABASE RI.guide @AUTHOR "Roman Patzner" @NODE "MAIN" "RomIcons8.guide"" @NEXT "MAIN" @{" Roman's Magic WB Icons 8 " SYSTEM "RIGuide/Sound RIGuide/Yeah.8svx q"} 21-Mar-95 New, high quality, standard size, MagicWB2.0-style Icons and other stuff. @{" " LINK "ico"} Icons @{" " LINK "def"} Default Disk Icons @{" " LINK "tmb"} TM-Brushes @{" " LINK "fon"} Fonts @{" " LINK "Copyright"} Copyright notice @{" " LINK "Contact"} How to contact me @{" " LINK "Cards"} If you have contacted me already @{" " LINK "Contest"} @{fg shine}Contest! Great prize to win!@{fg text} @{" " LINK "16col"} 16 col MagicWB discussion @{" " LINK "Credits"} Credits @ENDNODE @NODE "ico" "Icons Background Information" @{fg fill}Mastermind@{fg text} is requested by S.Rittau. @{fg fill}PicCon @{fg text}is distributed with PicCon250.lha (AN:gfx/conv) and drawn by Niels J rgensen. Mine is only cut to standard size. @{fg fill}Network, FAX@{fg text} and @{fg fill}AntiVirus@{fg text} are adapted from XEN's original brushes. Requested by R.Harris, D.Lauger and D.Dustin. @{fg fill}Enterprise:@{fg text} This one is dedicated to Trevor Morris (Hi Trevor!). @{fg fill}SimpsonGuide:@{fg text} This is for the O.J.Simpson Guide program by Manfred Huber, which can be found in Aminet:docs/misc (Update!). The icon is drawn pixel by pixel from scratch (using a small photo of O.J.). - These are the ones which are very time consuming to create... @{fg fill}FinalData:@{fg text} For all Non-Trekkies out there (are there any??): This guy is an android called "Data" (Brent Spiner), a member of the StarTrek TNG crew. I hope someone recognized him... @{fg fill}LoveDemo:@{fg text} The great LOVE demo by Fairlight (AGA only) is startable from HDD - why can't all be like that??? @ENDNODE @NODE "def" "Default Disk Icons" The ability to use these different default disk icons for different file systems (so you can recognize the file system used by a disk by just looking at its icon) is possible if you use @{" DefIcons " SYSTEM "RIGuide/Sound RIGuide/Yeah.8svx q"}, which is part of the @{" NewIcons " SYSTEM "RIGuide/Sound RIGuide/Booh.8svx q"} package. When DefIcons is installed, disks without a disk.info file will use the icons named def_XXXXdisk.info, where XXXX is the file system DosType; for example def_DOS0disk.info for Amiga disks and def_MSD0disk.info for MS-DOS disks. The NewIcons package can be found on Aminet: util/wb/NewIcons.lha @ENDNODE @NODE "tmb" "TM-Brushes Background Information" @{fg fill}Assembly@{fg text} requested by D.Dustin and R.Harris. @{" Click here " SYSTEM "MultiView RIguide/TM.brush"} for the TMBrush overview. @ENDNODE @NODE "fon" "Fonts" XEN 13 font on MagicWB v1.5 was incomplete (and disapeared on MagicWB v2.0) so I decided to complete it. It is suitable for high resolutions like 1024x 768 or higher. @{" Click here " SYSTEM "MultiView RIguide/Font.brush"} for the XEN/13 overview. @ENDNODE @NODE "Copyright" "Copyright" @{b}COPYRIGHT@{ub} @{" RomIcons8 " SYSTEM "RIGuide/Sound RIGuide/Yeah.8svx q"} is Copyright 1995 @{" Roman Patzner " LINK "Contact"}. This package is @{fg shine}CARDWARE@{fg text}. So if you like it and use some of my icons, TM-brushes etc. you'll have to send me a postcard which shows a picture of your hometown. This time you also have the chance to win a great prize @{" -> Contest " LINK "Contest"}. You are allowed to spread it all over the world using any storage medium available, but you must spread the whole package. Programmers & creators of PD-software are allowed to include single icons of this package in their own package-distributions. No one is allowed to take more than 1,- (English pound) including disk and copying cost, and you must include some other MagicWB icons/patterns to fill up the disk by at least 90%. MagicWB is Copyright 1992-1994 Martin Huttenloher. @ENDNODE @NODE "Contact" "How to contact me" Roman Patzner Maschl 91 A-5600 St.Johann/Pongau @{" AUSTRIA " SYSTEM "RIGuide/Sound RIGuide/ sterreich.8svx q"} (Mozart, Vienna, A.Schwarzenegger - but NO kangaroos) Internet:k3052e1@cxmeta.edvz.uni-linz.ac.at If you send me Email, maybe some time will pass (2-4 weeks) till I can read and answer it, because I have Email (internet) access only at my university in Linz. I'm working on my thesis (and your icons ;-)) at home now and this is about 200 km away from Linz. __@_, Amiga 1200 _/\\ Blizzard 1230II 50MHz, 6MB, Internal 120MB IDE HD, \\ SCSI2, Toshiba CD-ROM, NEC 3D Monitor, HP DeskJet500 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- @ENDNODE @NODE "Cards" "If you have contacted me already" @{b}Postcards received till 20-Mar-95 :@{ub} 1 Jens from Gelsenkirchen, Germany 2 Troels Walsted Hansen from Troms , Norway 3 Timo Kaikuman from Tampere, Finland 4 Trevor Morris from Oromocto, NB, Canada 5 Klaus Stengel from N rnberg, Germany 6 Thomas Andersson from Karlstad, Sweden (2 cards!) 7 Christian Siegfried Ruff from Graz, Austria 8 Frank Geider from Versailles, France (letter + 2 cards!) 9 Oliver A. Hofmann from Stuttgart, Germany ("special" card) 10 Tom Christensen from Gj vik, Norway 11 Sebastian Rittau from Berlin, Germany 12 Richard Harris from Edenvale, South Africa (2 cards!) 13 Dieter Lauger from Forchheim, Germany (letter + card) 14 Dave Dustin from Palmerston North, New Zealand (letter + 3 cards!) 15 Arnaud Corbet from Toulon, France 16 Charles Barker from Gainesville, FL, USA 17 Michaela Grebe & Manuel Fischer from Berlin, Germany (14" card!) 18 Harald Spatzig from Retzbach, Germany 19 Mark Rose from Karlsruhe, Germany 20 Tom Heen from Warrnambool, Australia 21 Jon Peterson from San Angelo, TX, USA (2 cards!) 22 J rg Kraft from Berlin, Germany 23 Marcin Kot from Lublin, Poland 24 Max Z rcher from Z rich, Switzerland 25 Bruno Eberhard from Thalwil, Switzerland 26 Greg Donner from South Bend, IN, USA 27 Grygiel Piotr from Lublin, Poland 28 Vidar S from Kirkenes, Norway 29 Markus Hillenbrand from Eichenzell, Germany 30 Krzysztof P.Jasintonicz from Czestochowa, Poland 31 Razor Bourkaib from kersberga, Sweden 32 Andreas Rossbacher from Witten, Germany @{" Click here " SYSTEM "RIguide/CardInfo"} to start the CardInfo program. Thank you very much for your cards and suggestions! @ENDNODE @NODE "Contest" "Great prize to win!" @{b}YOU can win...@{ub} a "new" (approx. 10 hours used), completely functional @{" Commodore A2024 " LINK "A2024"} High Resolution Monitor for the Amiga (including printed User's Guide, Jumpstart Disk, Video- and Power Cable). YOU may say I am completely gone @{" MAD " SYSTEM "RIGuide/Sound RIGuide/Mad.8svx q"}, but I simply don't use it because of the lacking colors - so MagicWB looks a bit strange (although there is a patch available on Aminet). If you do a lot of word processing or similar things with your Amiga, the A2024 is a good choice. (end of commercial) All you have to do is to select a number between 1,000.000 and 9,999.999 (in words: one million and nine millions nine...) AND solve the @{" puzzle " LINK "puzzle"}. Write your number together with the right answer of the puzzle on a postcard (which shows a picture of your hometown) and send it to @{" my adress " LINK "Contact"}. Emails are not accepted. @{b}THE CONTEST ENDS ON 31st of May 1995.@{ub} The one who comes closest to the "magic" number and has given the correct puzzle solution wins. I will contact the winner on the day mentioned above. The name and full address of the winner, the "magic" number (and how I got it) and the puzzle solution will be announced in the @{" RomIcons " SYSTEM "RIGuide/Sound RIGuide/Yeah.8svx q"} released after 31-May-95. @{b}IMPORTANT:@{ub} Don't forget your full name and address. An email address should also be included, if possible. Only ONE number per card (but you are not limited in cards!) The winner will have to pay the shipping costs (or you may visit me and take the prize with you - if your're not from New Zealand :-) ). The Power Supply needs 230 VAC, 50 Hz (Europe!) I cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by the prize. For example, if you manage to drown your pet @{" goldfish " SYSTEM "RIGuide/Sound RIGuide/Bubbles.8svx q"} using the monitor (hi Wouter!) - I will not buy you a new one. @ENDNODE @NODE "16col" "16 col. MagicWB" 'XEN' did not do (or release) anything for a long time... but everyone is waiting for a 16 color MagicWB - aren't we? - creating Icons would be much easier (you can convert pics using tools like HAMLab, ADPro,...) - great background pics are possible - use converted NewIcons (but they are ugly anyway :-> - ... So here is my suggestion to expand the existing MWB colors: color# red green blue _ 0 149 149 149 grey | 1 0 0 0 black |_ original Amiga colors 2 255 255 255 white | 3 59 103 162 blue _| 4 123 123 123 dark grey | 5 175 175 175 bright grey |_ 4 MagicWB colors by XEN 6 170 144 124 brown | 7 255 169 151 kind of pink _| 8 0 0 255 max.blue | 9 40 62 91 anthrazit | 10 96 128 96 green | 11 226 209 119 yellow |_ 8 new colors 12 255 212 203 bright pink | 13 122 96 72 dark brown | 14 210 210 210 dirty white | 15 229 93 93 red _| @{" Click here " SYSTEM "Multiview RIGuide/16ColWB.LBM SCREEN"} to see a screenshot sample. Col# 8 is the 'Bluebox' color for MagicCopper (to stay compatibel) Col# 9 is needed to bridge the gap between blue and black Col#10: everyone knows that green was missing...but it don't has to be too intense! Col#11: same as #10 Col#12-14: - send comments! Col#15: Red is the last color, because it is taken for the cursor. Remember: This is ONLY a suggestion, comments, critics are welcome. Steps to install them on your system (if you like): 1. Change your screenmode to 16 colors. 2. Load the User-Startup into your editor and change the MagicWB-Daemon to: Run >NIL: C:MagicWB-Demon 4,123,123,123 5,175,175,175 6,170,144,124 7,255,169,151 8,0,0,255 9,40,62,91 10,96,128,96 11,226,209,119 3. Do the same with your Startup-Sequence 4. Load Prefs/Palette and change the last four colors to 255,212,203; 122,96,72; 210,210,210; 229,93,93 MUI applications look strange without re-arranging the brush colors. @ENDNODE @NODE "Credits" "Credits" @NEXT "Credits" @{b}Thanks must go to@{ub} - Marin "XEN" "Hutti" Huttenloher for creating the MagicWB standard - Urban M for his work with the Aminet - Trevor Morris for his MWBPix series - Jan-Tore "SCAREMONGER" Eliassen for his icons and the @{" BEEP-BEEP " SYSTEM "RIGuide/Sound RIGuide/Roadrunner.8svx q"} story in JTEMWB3 which made me ROTFL - Richard "FOXX" Harris for his FoxxIcons yvind Falch for the MagicSelector Keyfile! Register this great tool - it's a must for MagicWB users! - Martin "GASTON" Rolfsmeyer - Alisdair Walker - all icon artists on the globe and finally to all who sent my a postcard. @ENDNODE @NODE "puzzle" "Test your IQ" @NEXT "puzzle" @PREV "puzzle" @{b}The Puzzle:@{ub} Smith, Robinson and Jones are fireman, brakesman and engine-driver of a train, but NOT in this succession. On the same train are three businessmen with the same names: Mr.Smith, Mr.Robinson and Mr.Jones. 1. Mr.Robinson lives in Detroit. 2. The brakesman lives exactly in the middle between Chicago and Detroit. 3. Mr.Jones earns 20.000 Dollar per year. 4. The nearest neighbour of the breakesman is one of the businessmen, and he earns exactly three times as much as the breakesman. 5. Smith beates the fireman in the billiards game. 6. The businessman who has the same name as the brakesman, lives in Chicago. What is the name of the engine-driver? Hints: This is no kind of joke! EVERY 6 points are important! @ENDNODE @NODE "A2024" "About the A2024 Monitor" @NEXT "A2024" @PREV "A2024" @{b}About the A2024 Monitor:@{ub} The Commodore A2024 Monitor is a paperwhite (gray scale) display device capable of providing very high resolution Amiga screen displays - 1024 x 1024 pixels in 50Hz noninterlaced - in up to four levels of grey. The A2024 also offers excellent performance in the standard Amiga display modes (320x200/320x400 and 640x200/640x400 for NTSC; 320x256/320x512 and 640x256/640x512 for PAL). Display: Flat face tube 15 inch diagonal measure Vertical scan rate: NTSC = 63.0 Hz non-interlaced PAL = 50.0 Hz non-interlaced Pixel Rate: Normal mode = 49.5 MHz Extended mode = 72.0 MHz Input signal: Standard Amiga video signal Bandwidth: 80 MHz Power Supply: @{b}230 VAC, 50 Hz (Europe!)@{ub} @ENDNODE